Welsh Springer Spaniel
Easy to Train
Apartment Friendly
Kid Friendly
Breed Snapshot
- Weight: 12-20 kg
- Height: 46-56 cm
- Breed size: Medium
- Lifespan: 12-15 years
- Dog breed group: Working/herding dog
- Shed level: Average to high
The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a medium-sized working dog with long ears fringed with hair, a soft medium-length coat that comes in red or white, and feathering on the backs of the legs, chest, belly, ears and tail.
Loyal, eager to please and good with children, the Welsh Springer Spaniel is a dog that loves to be included in activities with its family. It should be socialised early on to avoid timidity, and must be trained to hunt early on to use its natural skills in the best way possible.
Health Problems
The Welsh Springer Spaniel is prone to hip dysplasia, epilepsy and entropion.
This dog needs a lot of regular exercise such as a long walk every day. Without enough run-around time, a Welsh Springer Spaniel will get bored and fat.
Regular brushing will keep the coat well-maintained, although pay extra attention with the dog is shedding. The Welsh Springer Spaniel’s coat keeps the dog comfortable in both hot and cold weather. This breed is an average shedder.
Living Environment
A Welsh Springer Spaniel will do best in at least a medium-sized backyard, but will do okay in an apartment if it receives regular daily exercise (it is fairly active indoors).
Did You Know
This dog is the cousin of the English Springer Spaniel and the Cocker Spaniel.