Dachshund (Long Haired)
Kid Friendly
Low Energy
Apartment Friendly
Breed Snapshot
- Weight: 4-8 kgs
- Height: 20-27 cms
- Breed size: Small
- Lifespan: 12-16 yrs
- Dog Breed Group: Hound
- Coat Type: Long Hair
The Dachshund was originally bred to hunt small game like badgers and rabbits. This breed has a strong protruding sternum and a fairly retracted abdomen. The coat comes in a very wide range of colours and colour combinations, including solid black, red, chocolate, tan, cream and blue, and black and tan, black and creme, chocolate and tan and blue and tan.
The Dachshund is curious, lively, affectionate, funny and devoted. It can be hard to train and house-train but it travels well. This breed instinctively likes to dig.
Health problems
This breed can be prone to spinal disc problems (Dachshund paralysis), urinary tract problems, heart disease, diabetes and mast cell tumors. It can also get overweight and lazy.
This breed does need to be at least walked daily.
The Long-Haired Dachshund needs daily combing and brushing. This breed is an average shedder.
Living conditions
The Dachshund is good for apartment living because it doesn't need a big yard.